How did a basketball team from a small high school score some sweet seats at a recent Rockets game?
They impressed their school.
This year, Texans Can – Houston Hobby saw something extraordinary. Several of its young men created a basketball team where none was before. With support from Mr. Erick Saavedra, Houston Hobby’s Afterschools Centers on Education Site Coordinator, the budding team put in the hard work of bringing up grades in all their classes, discovering their potential for leadership in the process.
Some of the players are now leaders on the Student Council.
When a school leader noticed the students’ efforts—and their results—she shared the story with the Houston Rockets, who responded with the generous tickets. On game day, twelve basketball players and eight Student Council members arrived at Toyota Center to be greeted by Robert Lane, Marketing Coordinator for the Rockets.
Mr. Lane sweetened his warm welcome with encouragement. He invited students to embrace their leadership qualities, their unique traits, and their dreams.
For several students, this was a first-time experience at a Rockets game. It was certainly their first time to hear from someone at a major sports organization that they exhibit all the right qualities to become true leaders.
It’s also Houston Hobby’s first time to see such an act of organizational leadership from its students. That’s why we’re so happy to see it so generously rewarded.
Deepest thanks to Robert Lane and the Houston Rockets for their hospitality.